Simplified Compliance Management for Aged Care and Disability Providers

Compliance management in Aged Care and Disability is no easy task. Discover how ShiftCare can make the life of care providers easier as a Compliance Management Tool.

Age Old Problems That Probably Won’t Go Away

Along with NDIS, CDC packages there is also the increase of in-home care, mega facilities that might house hundreds of patients, and the ever-present demand to cut costs while maintaining services.

For starters, you need to;

  • Make sure each care worker knows what tasks are expected of them for each client, like preparing lunch or taking care of their laundry.

  • Dealing with staff members booking their leave… without impacting your clients.

  • Preventing rostered hours from going above the approved daily limit.

  • Receiving feedback and complaints (and doing something about complaints)… plus having the ability to store this information for later use.

  • Keeping everything accessible and in order so you’re a complaint to all regulations, such as theStandards for Services Access.

  • And more...

No easy task for sure.

But, it’s doable.

And, it’s much easier if you’ve got the right tool for the job.

How ShiftCare Can Make The Life of Care Providers Easier as a Compliance Management Tool

  1. Manage care worker tasks

    Nothing makes any job easier than having a good task list. You have the list in front of you and then you check off each task as you finish it.Simple.

    With ShiftCare, setting up, modifying, and making sure each task is completed is easy, as you can see below.

    ShiftCare tasks

    And everything is tracked.If a care worker did not check the box, chances are they may have forgotten to complete it.

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  2. Keep Track of All Staff Leave

    Everyone needs a bit of time for themselves. But keeping track of everyone’s vacation, sickness leave, and a host of other reasons they won’t be at work can be quite daunting. You might have a spreadsheet some complex, but no one can decipher it! That’s why we created a specific organizer for staff leaves.

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  3. Keep Your Rostered Hours Daily Limit In Check

    Overtime is often the biggest expense any company faces… when you’re paid a fixed amount to perform a task. If your staff members are taking too much time to complete certain tasks, your profit margins will drop significantly…… and the blame might land on you, given that you're the one supposed to be rallying the troops.This is why it’s critical to have a quick way to check where overtime is happening. Shifts, where the hours exceed the carers daily hour limit, will be outlined in red.

    ShiftCare timesheet report

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  4. Everything Tracked And Timestamped For Safe Keeping

    Keeping track of staff clocking in and out is a must.

    But some aged care and disability service providers still use outdated methods for keeping track, like a punch clock (and even just asking their staff to submit monthly hour reports).

    Why not make it easy for you AND your staff?

    With our Timestamp feature, you’ll be able to gather information from every shift, including;

    1. Who created the shift.

    2. If it was edited and by whom.

    3. The exact time your staff clock in and out.

    4. And any notes that staff wrote about their shift and many more

    All of the above meet compliance regulations.

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  5. Document Feedback And Complaints

    I know most of us don’t want to hear complaints, but it can be crucial for the betterment of an organization to understand why someone complained, see if it’s a legitimate complaint, and how to make sure these complaints don’t happen again. Staff can write not only Progress Notes but also feedback, incidents, complaints etc. And all the information added by staff will be logged in ShiftCare.

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  6. Record Staff and Client Communications

    But it’s not just about dealing with complaints. Communicating with your staff is equally important. Through our system, you can send emails and sms to everyone… or individuals. We’ll even keep track of replies. No more sifting through email strings in search of a specific reply.

    ShiftCare bulk messages

    As for your clients, we’ve got many options for them to communicate with you… … and for you to sift through feedback if you’re looking for something specific. You can learn more about our client feedback portal here;

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  7. Everything Tracked - Everything Accessible

    I’m guessing not everyone loves every single government compliance regulation placed on their operation. But, they are there for a reason. To make sure organizations operate in a professional, safe manner towards their clients. And these regulations are not going away anytime soon… so we might as well just work within them. This is where can really help our users.

    At the end of the day, ShiftCare tracks everything. 

    • All shift progress notes.

    • Complaints.

    • Clock ins and outs.

    • Everything.

    So, if a regulation body wants access to your system to confirm everything is being done the right way… … you barely have to lift a finger to compile that data for them. You simply given them access to your account and point them in the right direction.

  8. Make It Easy For Your Clients To Request Additional Services

    If you don’t have a good system for managing additional aged care or disability client requests, things can get ugly.

    You might forget to notify the care worker of these changes. Or they might forget to complete the task because it’s new and not a part of their routine.

    With ShiftCare, your clients will have their own portal access. Inside, they can make requests for additional services or tasks that they want to be completed, along with a new task created for the care worker to check off each time. Everything taken care of and reducing the amount of extra work on your part.

    You can also control client/family’s level access.

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  9. Reports On Anything And Everything

    The devil is in the details, and a well run organization keeps detailed reports on their entire operation.

    Luckily, ShiftCare has made much of the accounting of data automatic.

    You’ll be able to access reports on;

    • Key performance indicators, like the status of your case worker’s driver’s licence and insurance.

    • Event reports that provide you with an overview of client and staff activity.

    • Leave/Absent reports.

    • Timesheets.

    • Compliance reports that keep track of all important documents and whether they are up to date.

    • And performance reports… AKA the money report! Like we said, everything tracked and everything accounted for.

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Easy Compliance Management

  • Easy to use.

  • Simple to learn.

  • Compliance management for the modern age Community Care supervisor/warrior!

  • If you’re interested in seeing in action and testing it out for yourself we have a free trial for you.

Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign up. It will only take you a few minutes to get set up.

Thanks for reading and I hope this article will help solve any aged care or disability compliance management challenges you’re facing.

Try ShiftCare today, sign-up for a free 7-day trial.

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