Kindness as a Calling: Sarah Greaves' Remarkable Support Work Journey

Asha Neil

Written on 19 August, 2024
In the world of support work, there are those who go above and beyond, dedicating their lives to making a difference in the lives of others. Sarah Greaves, founder of Irises Support Services and recent winner of the ShiftCare Support Worker of the Year award, is one such individual whose journey from house cleaner to business owner is as inspiring as it is impactful.

From Cleaning to Caring: The Genesis of a Support Worker

Sarah's path to becoming a support worker began in an unexpected place - as a cleaner and declutterer. "I was always a helpful person as a kid," Sarah recalls. "I was also very clean and tidy. So, originally I started with a cleaning company." 

This early experience led her into decluttering work, where she encountered clients whose homes had deteriorated due to hoarding behaviours. Intrigued by the underlying causes, Sarah found herself drawn to mental health support. "That kind of made me go, 'Why are people hoarding?' And then that led me into mental health," she explains.

Driven by a desire to better understand and help others, Sarah pursued formal education in social welfare and psychology. However, her greatest teachers were her own children. When her son was diagnosed with autism, Sarah realised that the available services weren't meeting his needs. "I was like, 'Well, how can I help him be his best self?'" she says. This personal challenge became the catalyst for her future career.

Building a Business with Heart

As Sarah navigated the complex world of disability support for her children, she found herself accumulating valuable knowledge. She attended countless appointments with occupational therapists, speech therapists, and psychologists, absorbing information and techniques that she would later apply in her work. Her son, now 23, jokingly refers to himself as her "guinea pig" for all the strategies she tested.

Recognising the gap in early intervention services, Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands. "I'm a big believer in early intervention," she states. "How do I help someone have early intervention when they're waiting two years? Two years to a five-year-old is a lot."

This realisation led Sarah to establish her own company, Irises Support Services. Unlike many support services that operate remotely, Sarah's approach is deeply personal. She meets every client, works shifts herself, and carefully matches staff to ensure the best possible care. "I can walk into a room and I just know what you need," Sarah says, describing her intuitive approach to client care.

Sarah's Dedication to her Clients

Sarah's passion for her work is evident in the countless stories of her going above and beyond for her clients. One of Sarah's most impactful interventions occurred just days before Christmas, when two of her clients suddenly faced homelessness. Despite the holiday season and the short notice, Sarah sprang into action. "So five days before Christmas, we set up house for them and moved them into a house," she recalls. This incident perfectly encapsulates Sarah's client-first approach, her ability to respond swiftly to crises, and her unwavering dedication to improving her clients' lives, regardless of the challenges or timing involved.

But perhaps one of the most touching examples of Sarah's generosity came when she gave away her car to a grandmother who was spending five hours a day on public transport to take her grandchild to school. "What means nothing necessarily to me is the world for you," Sarah reflects, highlighting her understanding of how small gestures can make enormous differences in people's lives.

For Sarah, success isn't measured in profit margins but in the impact she has on her clients' lives. "It's not about the money," she insists. "Every single dollar I make, I literally pay my rent, food, my electric, and the rest straight back in [to the business]."

This dedication has not gone unnoticed. Sarah's work has caught the attention of high-profile figures, including Bill Shorten, who received a commendatory email from one of her clients. Her staff describe her as a "real-life superhero" and compare her to Mary Poppins for her ability to solve seemingly insurmountable problems.

Despite the numerous accolades she's received, Sarah remains remarkably humble. Her modesty is a testament to her genuine nature and unwavering focus on her clients' needs rather than personal recognition. "The only way I win at life is just to be a good, honest person," she says, reflecting her deeply held values and commitment to integrity. This philosophy has been the driving force behind her success, inspiring both her clients and her staff. Sarah's humble approach, combined with her dedication to helping others, has created a positive and nurturing environment at Irises Support Services, where the focus is always on making a meaningful difference in people's lives.

One of Sarah's most significant achievements has been creating a supportive and dedicated team. She carefully selects staff who share her values of kindness and compassion. "I couldn't do it without my team," Sarah emphasises. "I've picked a really good team and they're all very, very caring and genuine."

 Impact, Recognition, and Future Plans

Looking to the future, Sarah continues to expand her services. She recently opened an office to house psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists, aiming to provide comprehensive support under one roof. This move allows her to offer early intervention services that clients might otherwise wait years to receive.

Reflecting on her journey, Sarah says, "I just want to help people. I just want to make a difference." And make a difference she has. From the grandmother whose life was transformed by the gift of a car to the non-verbal boy now able to communicate his needs, Sarah's impact ripples through her community, changing lives one client at a time.

Sarah Greaves' story is a testament to the power of compassion, perseverance, and the belief that one person can indeed make a difference. As the recipient of the ShiftCare Support Worker of the Year Award, she stands as an inspiration not just to other support workers, but to anyone who aspires to turn their passion for helping others into meaningful action.

In a world that often feels divided and disconnected, Sarah's work reminds us of the profound impact of human kindness and dedicated service. Her journey from cleaning houses to changing lives serves as a powerful reminder that with determination, empathy, and a genuine desire to help others, we can all play a part in making the world a little bit better, one act of kindness at a time.

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